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A Legacy of Service - Remembering the Late Vice Admiral Edward A. Burkhalter

A Legacy of Service - Remembering the Late Vice Admiral Edward A. Burkhalter

In late summer, several members of our staff had the honor of attending the memorial service of the late Vice Admiral Edward A. "Al" Burkhalter. Jr., who passed away at age 91 on July 1, 2020. A dear friend and benefactor of Benedictine for over 33 years, he was a great advocate for assuring quality care for people with disabilities. Al was one of the main founders of the Benedictine Foundation in 1986 and was a longtime member of the Board of Directors until his retirement in 2019. We are tremendously grateful for the generosity and devotion that Al bestowed upon Benedictine, in terms of both his time and financial support. Not only did he support Benedictine during his lifetime, he named the Foundation as a beneficiary in his will. Through that gift, his legacy will benefit future generations of Benedictine students and adults.

Al was born on September 15, 1928, and he grew up in Roanoke, Alabama. In his youth, he was an athlete, an Eagle Scout, and a trumpet player. He attended Auburn University for one year before entering the United States Naval Academy in 1947. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1951 with a degree in electrical engineering.

Adm. Burkhalter had a distinguished 35-year career in the US Navy. After graduation, he was among the first generation of sailors in the nation's nuclear-powered submarine fleet in the 1950s. He served as a navigator on the USS Seadragon during its historic undersea transit of the Northwest Passage. He later served as commanding officer (Skipper) of the USS Skate, commanded a missile submarine division, and an attack submarine squadron. He spent the last decade of his naval service in senior intelligence positions, including as an adviser to the CIA.

In 1972, Al married his second wife Becky, a Navy widow, and adopted her five children. One of those children, Mark, lives with developmental disabilities. The Burkhalters enrolled Mark into the Benedictine School in 1978, and he has remained with the organization ever since, currently residing in one of our group homes.

Al leaves behind a legacy of service to his family, his country, and God. He is greatly missed by his eleven children, 27 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, relatives, and friends, and by all of us here at Benedictine.

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